Accreditation Panel


The accreditation panel comprises of qualified experts in animal training, behaviour or welfare who are invited to join the panel by the CANZ Executive Board.

CANZ Executive Board Panel Members:


Professor Natalie Waran

Natalie is the Executive Dean at Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) and Professor of One Welfare. She developed and directed the Masters in Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Edinburgh University and holds qualifications, publications and experience in the field of animal behaviour, training and welfare. She is the Director of the ‘A Good Life for Animals’ Centre.


Dr ARnja Dale

Arnja is the Chief Scientific Officer of the RNZSPCA. With qualifications, publications and experience in the field of animal behaviour, training and welfare, she also sits on the CANZ board.

INDEPENDENT Panel Members:

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Dr Jessica Walker

Jessica is a Senior Scientific Officer at the RNZSPCA. She was the first general manager for the NZ Companion Animal Council (now CANZ) and held this position for three years. Jessica holds qualifications, publications and experience in the field of animal behaviour, training and welfare and was involved in the development of the CANZ Accreditation programme from the onset.

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Dr Lindsay Skyner

Lindsay is a lecturer in animal behaviour and welfare. She has worked in a variety of professions with both exotic and companion animals in the UK, Canada and NZ. With an interest in training and qualifications, publications and experience in this field, she was contracted for six months to CANZ to develop the accreditation programme and now remains involved by being an independent panel member.