Summer video series

We're excited to be present a series of summer videos with information targeted at dog guardians. Aptly named our 'Summer Pet-iquette' series, these videos will be packed with practical advice to help pet owners make the most of summer adventures with their canine family members! 

Video 1: Beach behaviour basics

This 26-minute video with Animal Training Instructor, Shivaun Statham, will guide you through essential "pet-iquette" for dog-friendly beaches, covering everything from respecting beachgoers to safety tips for avoiding hazards like hot sand and strong currents. 

A big thank you to Shivaun who is one of our Companion Animals NZ Accredited Professionals and works at Kiwi Vet Behaviour.


Video 2: Long Lines and safe play

Long Lines and Safe Play with Lisa Sturm, Behaviour Consultant, dives into the benefits of long lines, common mistakes, tips for dogs of all sizes and temperaments, harness recommendations, and more! This is a 20-minute video not to miss.

Special thanks to Lisa, a CANZ Accredited Professional from Sit Happens and Kiwi Canine.


Video 3: Tips for Travelling with Pets and Exercising in Hot Weather

Tips for Travelling with Pets and Exercising Safely in Hot Weather with Rachael Stratton, Veterinary Behaviourist, explores health risks for pets travelling in the heat, signs of overheating, common mistakes to avoid, and more!