If you’ve ever witnessed your dog or cat racing around the house or yard in a sudden burst of energy, you’ve seen what is commonly referred to as the “zoomies.” While often delightful to see, what do they really mean for our animals? And are they always positive?
Scientifically, this behaviour is known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs). While zoomies may seem amusing or puzzling, they serve important purposes for pets – and it doesn’t always indicate positive welfare. This article explores what zoomies mean, their causes, and how to respond to them responsibly.
What exactly are zoomies?
Zoomies are short, intense bursts of energy characterised by erratic movements, such as running in circles, darting from room to room, or leaping onto furniture. These episodes are typically brief, lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes, and are more common in younger animals. While our pets exhibit zoomies differently, the underlying motivation for the behaviour share similarities.
Importantly, zoomies are completely normal behaviours. They are a natural outlet for energy and heightened emotions. However, excessive or overly frequent zoomies may indicate underlying issues, such as insufficient physical or mental stimulation, stress, or medical conditions.
Why do pets perform zoomies?
Several factors can trigger zoomies, including:
Energy release
Pets often experience zoomies as a way to expend pent-up energy. For example, a dog confined indoors for long periods may suddenly burst into a zoomie session after being let outside. Similarly, a cat might zoom after a nap or an extended period of inactivity.
Stress relief
Zoomies can serve as a mechanism for stress relief - like a dog leaving the groomer or a cat finishing an uncomfortable bath. Animals may engage in zoomies to shake off tension.
Joy and excitement
Happy and excited pets often express their emotions through zoomies. This is particularly evident in dogs during playtime or after a rewarding activity, such as a successful training session or walk.
Developmental stages
Young animals are more prone to zoomies as part of their natural developmental process. For puppies and kittens, zoomies are a way to practice coordination and explore their physical abilities.
Zoomies in dogs vs. Cats (and horses!)
Dogs often experience zoomies in open spaces, such as backyards, where they can run at full speed. Common triggers include bath time, evening hours (known as the "evening crazies"), or moments of intense excitement.
Cats tend to exhibit zoomies in smaller spaces, such as darting across furniture or climbing indoor ‘cat trees’. Zoomies in cats often coincide with their natural hunting instincts and are most common during dawn and dusk when felines are naturally more active.
You can also see Zoomie type behaviour in horses – but these are considered to be a form of ‘rebound’ behaviour – as outlined below.
So, are zoomies always a good thing?
No, not necessarily. If related to a need to release frustrated energy or due to stress reduction, zoomies are not always positive welfare indicators. In this situation, Zommie behaviour results from a period of confinement or some other stressor, and serves to indicate that the animal had previously not been in an overall positive welfare state.
In horses, zoomie type behaviour is a form of ‘rebound behaviour’ where horses perform sudden, exuberant actions, when released after a period of confinement or inactivity. The Horse form of zoomies can include running, bucking, or kicking, which are natural ways for horses to release pent-up energy.
What is important is to remember that while such behaviour is normal for horses, it can pose safety risks to humans if not managed properly. It's crucial to ensure that those handling horses remain vigilant and maintain a safe distance when releasing horses into open spaces after they have been previously confined.
It’s also suggested that regular exercise and appropriate handling can help mitigate these sudden and unpredictable bursts of energy, making the situation safer for both horses and humans.
How to respond to zoomies
Avoid placing your animal in situations likely to cause pent up energy and emotional outbursts!
Make sure that the environment is safe and the animal is protected from injury. Ensure your pet has a safe space to zoom without the risk of injury. Clear sharp objects or breakables from their path. Ensure you are also safe!
Encourage healthy energy outlets. Regular playtime, walks, and interactive toys can help your pet expend energy more evenly throughout the day.
Recognise when to intervene. If zoomies occur in unsafe situations (e.g., near traffic or on slippery floors), calmly redirect your pet’s attention with a toy or treat or a training game.
Consult a veterinarian and/or an accredited behavioural consultant. If your pet’s zoomies seem excessive or are accompanied by other concerning behaviours (for example: sudden outbursts of aggression, changes in appetite or weight, frequent pacing or restlessness, excessive chewing or licking, increased vocalisation or excessive panting or drooling), seek professional advice to rule out health or behavioural issues. CANZ accredited behaviour professionals can be found here: https://www.companionanimals.nz/canz-accredited-ats-atis
Finally - for the most part, zoomies (or FRAPs!) are a delightful and natural expression of your pet’s physical and emotional state. By understanding the underlying causes and ensuring a safe environment, pet owners can embrace these energetic episodes as part of their companion’s healthy behaviour.
Bradshaw, J. W. S. (2016). The Behavior of the Domestic Cat. CABI.
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Horwitz, D. F., & Mills, D. S. (2009). BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Behavioural Medicine. British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Landsberg, G., Hunthausen, W., & Ackerman, L. (2012). Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat. Saunders Ltd.
Overall, K. L. (2013). Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats. Elsevier Health Sciences.